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Meet the Team

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Our Team: Team
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Sales Manager

Hi, my name’s Abbii, I’m 23 and I’m from Suffolk but moved to Manchester after starting work at Acquiro 22 (we've since expanded to London)! I left college early as I wanted to get started on my career, so I tried out a few different jobs in bars and shops and did a business development internship in Uganda for a few months. My previous job was as a Property Investment Broker, this was my first experience of sales and showed me an insight into the opportunities that I never even knew were available, when I left there I knew that sales was what I wanted to get into long term. During my time at Acquiro 22 I have not only learned invaluable skills in sales and marketing in the morning meetings and development training programs but I feel way more confident in my day-to-day life. Everyone in the team is so supportive and has personally helped my progression, it is the best working environment I have ever been a part of - each day is a new challenge but I can honestly say I enjoy getting up to go to work each morning!

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